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Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to determine if our methods for teaching pharmacogenomics, the study of how a person’s gene can influence their response to medications, are effective, as well as how and when best to introduce this concept to school-aged students. 


Why are we asking students to take part? 

We are asking your child to take part in this research study because many children begin to take medications independently once they reach middle and high school and it is important that students understand how medications can affect different people in different ways. We hope to use the results of questionnaires used in the LEAP study to determine how and when best to introduce pharmacogenomics to school-aged students.


The research portion of this educational program will only be utilizing the results from surveys given to your child before and after the lesson.

Study Procedures:  what will happen during this study?

  1. Students will complete a pre-lesson survey answering questions about pharmacogenomics.

  2. Students will then take part in a lesson about pharmacogenomics, genetics, and medicine that includes real-life case studies, activities, and a slideshow presentation.

  3. Students will participate in an activity that will allow them to understand how taste perception can vary from person to person. In this small experiment, students will be asked to taste a strip of paper containing a chemical called Sodium Benzoate. This paper tests a person’s ability to taste Sodium Benzoate, and the taste detected varies depending on the individual.

  4. Students will complete a post-lesson survey answering questions about pharmacogenomics.

  5. These surveys will be graded for a pass or fail but will be used for study purposes only. This will not affect the students' grades in their classes in any way.

All activities, lessons and questionnaires will take place in your child’s classroom on a designated day and time that will be announced by their teacher.  At least one researcher will be helping to teach the lesson to your child and your child’s teacher will stay in the classroom for the entire lesson and all of the activities.



To sign up for Tampa Bay DNA Day, please follow the link below and fill out the form.


Special Thanks to:

Hillsborough County Public Schools


Daniel McFarland


Student pharmacist volunteers

Hillsborough County Public Schools


Daniel McFarland

FL DNA Day Coordinators

Teresa Vo, PharmD, BCPS


Bionqua Lynch


Shantel Houston


Celeste Small


Lamija Zimic

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